Friday, September 17, 2010

Long awaited thrift haul

Well, I'm back. ALREADY. These are thrift finds that I bought a few weeks back during Labor Day weekend, but I've finally gotten around to altering most of them and posting them. Enjoy!

Three vintage glasses

Two vintage skirts, and a pair of vintage Levi's that I altered

Vintage skirt, tailored shorts, and a dress that used to be the ugliest jumper in the world

Three vintage pussybow blouses

Two vintage button-downs and a cardigan

The mess I made :(

And the best part? I got all of this (plus more that isn't on this post) for $4. Total. Hate me? I would too.



I am featured on!!! Eeeek how exciting!!! And for all you readers who DON'T KNOW what collegefashion is, you're seriously missing out. Go check it out. Now. Seriously.

Click for the actual post


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Amor Glamour.

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately, and after lots of nagging from Nancy, I finally decided to do so. I've been really busy with school these last weeks. It's only been like 1 and a half week and I'm ready to like quit school and live in a parking lot for the rest of my life. I had like a really cute outfit ready for posting today, only to realize that my dad brought the camera with him to China, so I'm left with just about nothing. My friend likes to call me a mess a lot, and I must agree to that statement. I hope everyone out there is having a somewhat enjoyable time at school, though. Anyway, this post refers back to the Emmy's, which kind of makes me a few weeks late, but I read a Forever 21 blog post about it & now I can't get over neutral silks. They kind of make me want to shout inappropriate things... just sometimes.

Sarah Hyland

Gugu Mbarth-Raw
Source: NBC New York

Oh, and Cory Monteith, because he's just gorgeous.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Challenge: Mixing prints

Katie and I have decided to do a "fashion challenge" every week, where we try out a fashion faux pas and try to make it work. In addition to that, we're going to give you tips on how to wear the challenge.

But since KATIE DOESN'T HAVE HER CAMERA, this week it's just me. Sad, eh?

This week's challenge is MIXING PRINTS. Now, it's not that hard to wear, but if you wear it the wrong way it can look like you picked out your clothes without looking... and that's never a good thing.

How to wear it:
- Wear clothes in a similar color scheme
- Pick two different prints, ie. stripes and florals
- This works best in two neutral-ish colors, not two clashing colors like yellow and purple
- Don't wear two loud prints, keep one subtle and the other one the main focus
- Accessorize!!! I cannot stress this enough
- Most importantly, wear with confidence

Cardigan - Target, $10
Dress - Vietnam
Boots - Target, $35
Knee highs - Forever 21, pack of three for $6
Bag - Vietnam

Photos by Trung Phan


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why yes, those ARE horse pants

Sorry about the whole not-posting-for-the-past-forever-weeks-or-days-or-whatever business. REALLY been tied up with school work and catching up with AP summer work and all that business.

Well, the past few days it was cold-ish, and for California where I live that's around 72, seriously. So to celebrate this transition weather I've decided to post up things that I am inspired by/want to buy/cannot buy/REALLY WANT for fall fashion.

all from Asos
